There are many JWs who realize that all is not well with Watchtower, but they choose to remain, being psychologically chained by fear of missing out on paradise if they leave.
Their rationalizations often involve separating "Jehovah's organization" from the "imperfect" or even "corrupt" leadership (GB) at the helm. They will agree with you on all the ills and hypocrisies of Watchtower as you point them out. But they draw the line when it comes to leaving Watchtower. They will tell you that even if the GB is teaching falsehoods or are corrupt, they must still stick with the organization out of loyalty to Jehovah and trust that Jehovah will rectify matters in his own time.
They will sometimes draw parallels to Israel of old under the leadership of corrupt kings and say the Israelites were still God's people and one had to remain with the nation to please Jehovah. And I'm sure we're all familiar with the now ubiquitous, Watchtower cookie-cutter platitude of "Where else shall we go? Who has the truth?"
They are awake, but they are afraid to get out of the Watchtower bed because they see it as the safest place to be, because they have been fooled into thinking that there is a monster under the bed waiting to grab them by the foot and pull them under and eat them alive, if they ever get out of the bed.